Sunday, May 25, 2008

Lake Michigan Sunset

This week, Michael and I are continuing our U.S. tour and spending time in my family’s summer home on Lake Michigan.

I’ve been coming to this town (St. Joseph) since I was an infant- being that my mother’s entire family is from here. St. Jo has always been a haven for me. It was my place when I was little- the place I would look forward to visiting all year, where no one else would be- none of the kids at school who made fun of me, none of the teachers who gave me C’s on the projects I worked for days on, or the children I took dance class with who were always that much more talented than me no matter how hard I tried. Here, unlike anywhere else, I felt secure.

Michigan provided me with a sense of peace- regardless of the fact that I was still too young to actually understand what it was I was feeling.

For the annual two-week holiday I was here, my life was filled with an overwhelming sense of tranquility. St. Joseph was always full of family who loved me unconditionally, restaurants where the waiters already knew what I planned to order, and neighborhood streets where my mom felt confident to let me stroll alone at night. “Michigan” embodies a feeling for me- something that I can’t put into words, but something that I am happy to share with Michael because I feel it is such a large part of who I am- the good part.

What I can do though- is post this;

The view from our front deck. Heaven in a frame- and this happens every night!

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